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Emergency Dental Care

Find relief for your pain.

Adopting diligent dental hygiene practices and consuming a healthy diet can help prevent dental issues, but most people are likely to have oral pain at some point in their lives. Many patients seek emergency dental care because they are struggling with persistent oral pain or discomfort. Sometimes the root of the problem does not come from issues with the tooth itself but with the gum tissue surrounding it. A toothache can result from anything from chipped teeth, cavities, gingivitis, or other more severe conditions. At Gentle Care Dentistry, we perform many specialty services required to alleviate dental emergencies in Las Cruces, New Mexico, including surgical extractions and root canals, rather than referring patients to specialists. We intentionally reserve specific times in our schedule so we can treat most emergency situations that same day or the next day. Your dentist will assess your teeth and gums to determine the most appropriate emergency treatment to provide you with relief.

For more information regarding our emergency dental care, please contact our office at 575-524-3722 to schedule your personal consultation.

Schedule Your Appointment

Benefits of Emergency Dental Care

Pain Management

Pain Management

A standard indicator of a worrisome dental problem is oral discomfort. You can alleviate bothersome oral pain by seeking emergency dental care as soon as you notice tooth sensitivity or pain. Your dentist will diagnose the cause of your pain and develop a dental plan that will address your concerns and provide relief.

Improved Functionality

Improved Functionality

Not only can dental pain be uncomfortable, but it can also affect the functionality of your jaw and diminish your quality of life. At Gentle Care Dentistry, your dentist will help you obtain the relief you desire and improve your jaw performance by analyzing your condition and treating it accordingly.

Preventative Measures

Preventative Measures

Tooth pain often results from issues that worsen if left untreated, such as dental damage or gingivitis. Effectively addressing those issues can prevent the development of more significant complications and additional discomfort, including bone loss, abscess, periodontitis, and severe tooth decay.

Emergency Dental Care Services


New Patients

Your first visit to Gentle Care Dentistry will begin with a personable discussion about your dental needs and medical history. Cultivating a relationship built on trust and openness will help us give you the individualized care you deserve. New patients can expedite their initial appointment by printing out and completing the required new patient forms before they arrive for their appointment.


At Gentle Care Dentistry, our online scheduling makes the appointment process user-friendly and straightforward. If you believe you will be late for your scheduled appointment or wish to reschedule, please call our office as soon as possible.

Pain Management

Depending on the intensity of your procedure, your dentist may prescribe oral medication for at-home pain management. Many patients find that using a cold compress after their treatment also helps minimize pain and swelling.


At Gentle Care Dentistry we offer our patients several financing options and work with an experienced financial coordinator. We accept Delta Dental and United Concordia, among other insurance plans. We also accept checks, cash, or credit cards. Our financial coordinator can develop a flexible payment plan as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are my sedation options for emergency dental care procedures?

    Emergency dental treatment can make some patients anxious, but sedation dentistry can help them feel relaxed during their procedure. Patients who desire sedation services for their dental treatment can choose between intravenous, inhalation, and oral sedation.

  • Why does it hurt when wisdom teeth erupt?

    Wisdom teeth can become impacted if they come in at an angle. Significant swelling may also occur when around a wisdom tooth that is partially covered by a flap of gum tissue, making it difficult to clean. Because of the complications associated with wisdom teeth eruption, extraction is a common solution.

  • If I need to have a tooth extracted to eliminate oral discomfort, what are my options for preserving the extraction site?

    When wisdom teeth are removed, there is no need to fill the space left behind. However, the loss of other teeth can be detrimental to the structure of the jawbone or impair jaw functionality. Some options for tooth replacement include:

  • Can smoking cause tooth pain?

    Yes, smoking can lead to a wide range of dental concerns, including tooth pain. Tobacco use can produce cosmetic imperfections as well as trigger bacterial growth on the gums. Quitting smoking can dramatically improve a patient’s chances of avoiding periodontal disease, gum recession, oral cancer, and oral discomfort.

Schedule an Appointment

Whether you are returning or you are new to us, it all starts with an appointment.
Schedule yours below.