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Teeth Whitening

Make an impression; flash a smile.

Most men and women desire a whiter, brighter smile. However, lifestyle choices, the natural aging process, and eating certain foods can dull the appearance of the teeth, even if you maintain a steady at-home oral care routine. You can eliminate teeth stains and achieve a dazzling smile by scheduling an appointment at our Las Cruces, New Mexico office for quick and efficient teeth whitening services. At Gentle Care Dentistry, we can utilize the latest in teeth whitening technology help restore your smile to a pristine and captivating condition.

To learn more about our teeth whitening services, schedule your consultation today by calling our office at 575-524-3722.

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Benefits of Teeth Whitening

A Healthy-Looking Smile

Many people associate optimal oral health with pearly white teeth. Whiter teeth are not necessarily healthier than stained teeth, but they are still considered a valuable cosmetic characteristic to have. Obtaining a beautiful, glowing smile with professional teeth whitening can highlight your diligent dental care.


Smiling is one of the most visible indicators of high self-esteem. However, those with discolored or stained teeth may not feel confident enough to show off their smile. Fortunately, Gentle Care Dentistry offers teeth whitening services that lift displeasing tooth stains and produce whiter teeth you can be proud to display.

A Youthful Appearance

One of the drawbacks of having dark, discolored teeth is that they can give you an aged appearance. Hiding your teeth by not smiling can also make you appear older. Your dentist at Gentle Care Dentistry can improve yellowed or stained teeth with customized teeth whitening and restore them to a more youthful shade.

Types of Teeth Whitening


appointments Asset 2

New Patients

Patients who are new to Gentle Care Dentistry will have the opportunity to express their dental concerns and tell us about their medical history during their first appointment. Developing a comfortable, communicative, and trusting relationship with our patients will allow us to give them the best care for their dental needs. If you would like your first appointment to go by faster, you can print and fill out your required new patient forms before you arrive.


To make the scheduling process easier and more efficient, we offer online scheduling. If you encounter any delays on your way to your appointment or if you would like to reschedule, please contact the office promptly.


Pain Management

Teeth whitening treatments are virtually painless, but you may experience some temporary sensitivity. We offer complimentary fluoride sensitivity varnish treatment to minimize discomfort. We also provide sensitivity toothpaste at no charge.


At Gentle Care Dentistry, our patients can obtain both in-office and tray whitening for just $299. We accept cash, checks, and credit. Our financial coordinator can review all of these payment options and help you choose what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have my teeth whitened if they are sensitive?

Teeth whitening is not recommended for patients who have sensitive teeth, periodontal disease, damaged enamel, oral cancer, or untreated dental damage. Before any oral cosmetic procedure can be considered, all dental conditions must be addressed appropriately.

How long will it take to have my teeth whitening trays made?

An impression is taken of your teeth to create custom trays that are molded to your unique dental anatomy. If you are having UV light whitening done, your trays can be produced during your treatment appointment.

What can I do to maintain my teeth whitening results?

Practicing proper oral hygiene care and regularly visiting your dentist can help keep your teeth white for longer. You should also avoid the following during the first 12 to 24 hours after your procedure:

  • Red wine
  • Dark colas
  • Coffee and tea
  • Tomato-based sauces
  • Soy sauce
  • Lipstick
  • Tobacco products

Are there other options to make my teeth whiter?

Patients who do not qualify for teeth whitening or who are looking for alternatives may want to consider porcelain veneers or bonding. Porcelain veneers can conceal severe stains as well as correct other issues, including cracks, spaces, and chips. Bonding is also an effective treatment for improving the appearance of discolored teeth.

Schedule an Appointment

Whether you are returning or you are new to us, it all starts with an appointment.
Schedule yours below.