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Should You Replace Your Traditional Fillings With Dental Bonding?

Posted May 30, 2022 in CEREC® 3D Technology, Dental Bonding, Dental Crowns, Porcelain Veneers

4 Minute Read: 

Many people will experience dental wear and tear over time that necessitates professional care by an experienced dentist. 

In some cases, tooth decay and damage may be corrected with silver amalgam fillings. These types of fillings have been used in dentistry for over a century and can produce lasting results.

Woman smiling, wearing black sweater

While they have been the standard treatment for a range of dental issues for years, amalgam fillings tend to be unsightly and can affect a person’s self-confidence. 

In recent years, patients have opted to replace their silver fillings with composite resin bonding that is made to match their natural teeth. 

5 Concerns Dental Bonding Can Fix

Dental bonding is a tooth restoration treatment with both aesthetic and functional benefits. This resin-based treatment can provide the following benefits:

  • Replace your silver amalgam fillings. Remove the “metal” from your mouth and enjoy the natural look of composite resin matched specifically to your teeth.
    1. Lengthen your teeth. Whether you have chipped a tooth or your teeth are naturally shorter than you would like, dental bonding can be the solution.
    2. Have a gap? Close it with dental bonding. Many men and women have a slight gap between their front teeth that is large enough to be bothersome but not enough for braces or ClearCorrect. Bonding can fill in this unwanted gap.
    3. Have stains on your teeth? Cover them with dental bonding. This can be matched precisely to your surrounding teeth to cover stains while looking natural and not requiring an invasive treatment.
    4. Have a crack or fracture? Damage happens to your teeth. Sometimes, a simple dental restoration like dental bonding is all you need to repair your smile.

Illustration showing the process of filling a tooth.

How to Maintain Your Dental Bonding

Dental bonding needs to be appropriately maintained to prevent staining or recurring decay. 

Much like natural teeth, dental bonding tends to discolor as a result of diet, lifestyle habits, and aging. 

  • Foods like tea, red wine, and tomato sauce can stain or discolor bonding, which can only be corrected with dental bonding replacement. 
  • Habits like smoking cigarettes, vaping (electronic cigarette use), and chewing tobacco can also compromise the integrity and appearance of dental bonding. 
  • Poor oral hygiene can weaken the tooth structure beneath the resin restoration, which makes it vulnerable to decay and other serious consequences. 

Your Top Bonding Maintenance Tips

Avoiding certain foods and exercising proper at-home dental care can help preserve the appearance of dental bonding, particularly when they are placed on the front teeth. Most patients are advised to brush twice per day, floss daily, and schedule check-up appointments with their dentist every six months. 

Other healthy habits include:

  • Drinking through a straw
  • Rinsing the mouth between meals
  • Chewing sugar-free gum after eating 

Not Interested in Dental Bonding? Your Top 3 Alternatives

Pretty young woman leaning against the back of a chair smiling

Dental bonding can be a great solution for cracked, chipped, discolored, or short teeth. However, it is not the only option patients have for repairing dental damage and cosmetic concerns. 

At Gentle Care Dentistry, we offer various dental restoration services, including porcelain veneers and crowns. 

1. Porcelain Veneers

Because of their versatility and strength, porcelain veneers can be a wise investment for those who qualify and desire a more attractive smile. Porcelain veneers provide stain-resistant and permanent improvement, and they are custom-made at a laboratory to match your teeth for natural-looking results. 

Patients with damaged, discolored, gapped, or poorly shaped teeth may be good candidates for veneers.

Vector illustration of dental veneer

2. Crowns

If the necessary extent of correction has progressed beyond what a filling can fix, a crown may be the right choice. Crowns protect and strengthen teeth that have become significantly weak due to damage or decay. In addition, they provide support for more complex restorations like bridges and are customized for seamless improvement. 

Using CEREC® 3D technology, our dentists at Gentle Care Dentistry can create and attach your new crown in just one visit. 

3. Dental Implants

When a tooth is severely damaged and requires extraction, dental implants are the most natural-looking and strongest tooth replacement/restoration option. Dental implants are titanium posts inserted into the jawbone that acts as an artificial tooth root. 

A natural-looking crown (matched to the shade of your teeth) is attached to this implant to complete your smile and restore function. 

Vector illustration showing a dental implant.

Interested in Learning More About Dental Bonding or Your Alternatives?

If you would like more information about dental services for damaged teeth or to schedule an appointment at Gentle Care Dentistry, please call (575) 524-3722.